Can you unscramble the letters and order them into the full historic equation? Click the graphic above to check your answer.

Can you unscramble the letters and order them into the full historic equation? Click the graphic above to check your answer.
Learn more about this revolution in physics that Einstein struggled with for his whole life.
See PBS’s Nova episode “Einstein’s Big Idea.” Program Description: Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc2. In “Einstein’s Big Idea,” NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story behind this equation. Go to Nova web site.
NASA calls Einstein’s theory of general relativity (GR), one of the most important scientific achievements in the last century on its Tumblr blog.
See the Lightsources.org celebration of the Einstein Centenary
Learn about Einstein’s book explaining his theory in his own words: “Relativity: The Special and the General Theory, 100th Anniversary edition“, published by Princeton University Press.
See MIT’s web page celebrating the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s general theory of relativity.