The St. Louis 250th anniversary theme

Happy birthday, St. Louis!
The St. Louis 250th anniversary theme consists of presentations and tours. So far in this theme there are two presentations: ”St. Louis Folklore: Mom, Clean Underwear, and Toasted Ravioli” by Dr. John Oldani in January and daytime presentation at Tesson Ferry library, “250 Years of St. Louis History” on February 21st. There is a tour to the Missouri History Museum in April to see the free exhibit, “250 in 250,” which celebrates the 250th anniversary of the founding of St. Louis. At present, this theme is set to run in winter 2014 into the summer, but it may continue throughout the year of 2014, so there may be other events and programs planned for this theme. At present it is the two presentations and the tour. See more about the theme of St. Louis’ 250th anniversary on the pages Dr John Oldani – St. Louis Folklore and St Louis 250.

Dr. John Oldani Photo by South County Times
January 22, 2014 7:00 pm, – Please note that this event is over.Wednesday
Presentation by Dr. John Oldani,
“St. Louis Folklore: Mom, Clean Underwear, and Toasted Ravioli“
SCHS general membership meeting
Dr. John Oldani, professor and author of several books, will give a presentation titled
St. Louis Folklore: Mom, Clean Underwear, and Toasted Ravioli. His most recent book, St. Louisms Lingo, Lore, and the Lighter Side of Life in the Gateway City, will be available for purchase. General membership meeting at Lindbergh High School, Anne Morrow Lindbergh Room at 7 p.m.
See map and driving directions to Lindbergh High School. See more about Dr. Oldani, St. Louis Folklore and his books.

Missouri History Museum exhibit “250 in 250”
February 21, 2:00 pm, Friday
Daytime presentation at Tesson Ferry library
“250 Years of St. Louis History”
St. Louis turns 250 years old in 2014. In honor of this milestone, the Missouri History Museum is planning an exhibit that will tell the city’s history through 50 people, 50 places, 50 moments, 50 images, and 50 objects. Learn more about the history of your favorite city and about the process of producing a museum exhibit as Jody Sowell, Missouri History Museum Public Historian, takes you behind the scenes of the making of “250 in 250.”

Missouri History Museum, destination of spring SCHS Meet-at-the-Site tour.
April 30, 2014 10:00 am, Wednesday
April SCHS Meet-at-the-Site tour
Missouri History Museum to see the free exhibit, 250 in 250 which celebrates the 250th anniversary of the founding of St. Louis.
St. Louis turns 250 in 2014! How do you tell 250 years of St. Louis history in one exhibit? The Missouri History Museum does it through the stories of 50 People, 50 Places, 50 Moments, 50 Images, and 50 Objects. We can’t give you a complete picture of St. Louis’ 250 years of history, but through these 250 snapshots, we will give you an engaging look at the richness, diversity, and complexity of the place you call home.
Car pool at St Lucas UCC, meets at 9:15 am.

Possible St. Louis history bus tour in May sometime.
Bus tour in May sometime?
Possible St. Louis history bus tour in May to be announced.
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