Former SCHS president, Jim Crooks, speaking to a White Haven docent in period dress. Thursday, May 24, 2012 SCHS Meet-at-the-Site Tour
“Evening at White Haven”
On Friday, Sept. 5 and Saturday, Sept. 6 starting at 6:30 p.m., Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site at the visitors center will provide an evening of entertainment and education. During “Evening at White Haven” audience members will meet people portraying individuals who lived at White Haven and those passing through the area during the U.S. Civil War. Everyone will have an opportunity to explore the effects the U.S. Civil War had on individuals and communities alike.
The program is free, however, space is limited and reservations are required; they may be made by calling the staff at the Visitor Center at 842-1867 ext. 230, or by stopping by the park.
The program is not recommended for children under 5. The activities will take place both inside and outside. Some walking is required.
Evening at White Haven is one of an ongoing series of special activities at this unit of the National Park Service, also known as White Haven. Ulysses S. Grant NHS is located at 7400 Grant Road in south St. Louis County. The park is open for regular visitation from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily….
See more about Meet-at-the-Site Tours
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