St. Johns Evangelical UCC church is the location of some SCHS events. The address is:
11333 St. Johns Church Rd
Mehlville, MO 63123
Office phone: 314-892-0848
St. Johns Evangelical United Church of Christ is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of I-55 and Lindbergh Blvd. The address is 11333 St. John’s Church Road 63123. Turn off Lindbergh at Denny’s restaurant onto St.Johns Church Road. Drive past Denny’s and just before Aldi’s turn right onto St. John’s Church Road again where it turns right. The church will be on your right. Drive past the church and enter the parking lot just beyond the church. When you walk from the parking lot, go to the right side of the church where the handicapped parking is. Enter the first door on the right side of the church and go down the steps to the dining hall. If you need the elevator, go up the ramp and to the right. See photo below.

Enter St. Johns Evangelical United Church of Christ through the door marked in the photo or through the door at the end of the ramp to take the elevator down to the dining hall.
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