Daytime presentation at Tesson Ferry library
Friday, February 21, 2:00 pm
250 Years of St. Louis History
St. Louis turns 250 years old in 2014. In honor of this milestone, the Missouri History Museum is planning an exhibit that will tell the city’s history through 50 people, 50 places, 50 moments, 50 images, and 50 objects. Learn more about the history of your favorite city and about the process of producing a museum exhibit as Jody Sowell, Missouri History Museum Public Historian, takes you behind the scenes of the making of “250 in 250.”
See Jody Sowell in his own words write about curating “250 in 250” from the blog post; “The Power of Objects.”
And another post of the selection process for arriving at 50 items in each category; An Exhibit Takes Shape: Final Decisions for 250 in 250.
See Directions to Tesson Ferry library for map showing library location.
This presentation is sponsored jointly by Tesson Ferry library and Sappington-Concord Historical Society.
This event is part of the SCHS programing theme, St. Louis 250. See St Louis 250 to learn more.
For other SCHS themes, see the Themes page.
The photo below shows the entrance to the exhibit, “250 in 250,” now showing at the Missouri History Museum.

Entrance to “250 in 250” exhibit
The photos below are some of the 50 objects in the “250 in 250” exhibition. The photos were posted on the Missouri History Museum Pinterest page along with more information about each object. To get more info about any of the objects, go to Missouri History Museum Pinterest page.

To see the rest of the 50 objects and to see the 50 people, 50 places, 50 moments and 50 images, you have to actually go to this free exhibit in person. It is well worth the effort. If you can wait until April, the SCHS is going to see the exhibit as one of its Meet-at-the-Sites tours. But probably you will want to go now and go again in April!
To learn more about the exhibit, see the Missouri History Museum website.
To hear about the curation of the exhibit, the thoughts and choices that went into deciding how to tell the story of 250 years of St. Louis history, come to the daytime presentation on Friday, February 21st at 2:00 pm at Tesson Ferry library. The presentation is free and open to the public.
See Directions to Tesson Ferry library for map showing library location.
More info on the Tesson Ferry library.

St. Louis birthday banner: https://stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/mayor/news/St-Louis-Celebrates-its-250th-Anniversary-in-2014.cfm Cakeway to the West from: http://www.slfp.com/CommunityNews.htm St. Louis flag from: http://www.urbanreviewstl.com/2014/02/st-louis-flag-approved-50-years-ago-today/
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