Sappington-Concord Historical Society sponsors a variety of events for its members and the public. Some are held on a regular basis and some are special one time events. The following is a list of up-coming events in chronological order.
The list of events below is for the year 2014. To see a list of past SCHS events, go to the
Events – 2013 page or the Events – 2012 page. Events for 2015 are on page Events – 2015.
To see a list of events in the SCHS area that are sponsored by other organizations go to the page, Related Events. Again, the events on the Related Events page are not SCHS events, but may be of interest to SCHS members and the general public living in the Sappington-Concord area.
SCHS Events for Winter 2014
January 1 (Wednesday), 2014 – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Sappington Concord Historical Society annual membership dues are due
Send by mail or pay in person at the January 22 general meeting
It may be said that SCHS “Dues are Due Day” is not explicitly an event, but for this membership-driven organization, it is the time to see which members will be listed in the roster for the upcoming year. Being listed in the roster entitles members to the newsletter mailing four times a year, any other notices sent by postal mail, courtesy reminder phone calls and reminder email messages. As well, the SCHS gains the vast majority of its financial support from the small annual membership fees given by members. The SCHS board of directors and officers much appreciates the active participation of its members, their commitment to being enrolled and their financial contribution. Without the support of its members, the Sappington-Concord Historical Society would not exist.
Rates for annual dues:
Single membership $10
Coupld membership $15 for those living at same address
See more information at Joining
Membership dues will be accepted at the General Meeting on January 22, or mail your check made payable to the Sappington-Concord Historical Society to: Sue Steinnerd, Sappington-Concord Historical Society, 4474 Gemini Dr., St. Louis, MO 63128. Get Membership_Form 2013.
January 9 (– Note, this event is over, held in 2014.Thursday), 2014 at 2:30 pm
SCHS at Friendship Village
Presentation: “How Rude! The Changing Forms of Polite Behavior” by Emily Jaycox
For those who missed the daytime presentation of this talk at Tesson Ferry library in November, here is a second chance to see this fun and thougtht-provoking talk.
See more about the presentation on page The Changing Forms of Polite Behavior for her November daytime presentation at Tesson Ferry library. Of her talk, Emily Jaycox says:
“Did you know that spittoons were considered a step forward in polite behavior? Have you ever wondered about the etiquette of calling cards or dance cards? What about hats and gloves? Should Mrs. Jones refer to her husband as Mr. J.? What advice was given to newlyweds 50, 100 or 200 years ago? Discover the ever‐evolving standards of politeness, which illuminate the relations between men, women, classes and races.”
January 15 (Wednesday), 2014 at 7:00 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Book reading and discussion: Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker
Lindbergh High School in Anne Morrow Lindbergh Room
The book is Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker: A Novel by Jennifer Chiaverini. There are copies available in the St. Louis County Library system. For more information about this program, call Stephen Hanpeter at 3114-918-1617. This event is part of the theme, Women and Race. Also learn more about the book on Book Reading.
January 22 (Wednesday), 2014 at 7:00 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Presentation by Dr. John Oldani, “St. Louis Folklore: Mom, Clean Underwear, and Toasted Ravioli”
General membership meeting (general meetings are four times a year, Jan, April, July and Oct)
Dr. John Oldani, professor and author of several books, will give a presentation titled
St. Louis Folklore: Mom, Clean Underwear, and Toasted Ravioli. His most recent book, St. Louisms Lingo, Lore, and the Lighter Side of Life in the Gateway City, will be available for purchase. General membership meeting at Lindbergh High School, Anne Morrow Lindbergh Room at 7 p.m. See map and driving directions to Lindbergh High School. See more about Dr. Oldani, St. Louis Folklore and his books.
January 29 ( – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.Wednesday), 2014 at 10:00 pm
Meet-at-the-Site Tour
Missouri Civil War Museum at Jefferson Barracks
This Meet-at-the-Site Tour is Wednesday, January 29, at 10 a.m. at the recently opened Missouri Civil War Museum, located in the old 1905 Officer’s Post Exchange Building, 222 Worth Road in historic Jefferson Barracks. The three-story building that had sat in disrepair for decades was completely restored to a beautiful structure for the “preservation and study of Missouri and its involvement in the American Civil War.” Custom-made display cases house numerous artifacts — muskets, uniforms, medical equipment. In the center of the main room a cannon, supply wagon and a life-like horse are part of a military scene. Admission: adult $7; senior (age 65 and over) $6. If there are more than 10 in our group, the admission price will be discounted to $5 per person. Lunch at local restaurant follows for those who want to join in. Car pool at St Lucas UCC, meets at 9:15 am. See more about the Missouri Civil War Museum.
See page about Meet-st-the-Site Tours.
February 3 ( – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.Monday), 2014 at 10:00 am
SCHS Family Roots tour of the Missouri History Museum library on Skinker
The tour will be an overview of the facilities and collections that are relevant to genealogy research and research relating to the history of St. Louis. For more information see the page Family Roots.
February 6 (Thursday), 2014 at 2:30 pm. – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Presentation: “Sunlight and Shadow: Women’s Spaces at White Haven” by Pam Sanfilippo
SCHS at Friendship Village
Ms. Sanfilippo’s talk examines relationships between enslaved women and their mistresses through the lens of the women of White Haven: women of privelige like Julia Dent Grant and her mother Ellen Wrenshall Dent, and enslaved women like Mary Robinson, Eadie, Phyllis, Kitty and others. This talk highlights the inequalities that existed in close proximity, and how the things these women left behind allow us to tell their stories today. Using excerpts from Julia’s memoirs and other writings, archaeological evidence uncovered at White Haven, an interview with Mary Robinson and more, this presentation places these women in the context of their times and explores women’s changing roles in the 19th century. Pam Sanfilippo is the lead historian at the Grant National Historic Site. This event is part of the theme, Women and Race.
February 19 (Wednesday), 2014 at 7:00 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Book reading and discussion – Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker: A Novel by Jennifer Chiaverini
Lindbergh High School in Anne Morrow Lindbergh Room
The book is Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker: A Novel by Jennifer Chiaverini. There are copies available in the St. Louis County Library system. For more information about this program, call Stephen Hanpeter at 3114-918-1617. Event free and open to the public, just read the book and be prepared to share your thoughts. This event is part of the theme, Women and Race. Also learn more about the book on Book Reading.
See map and driving directions to Lindbergh High School.
February 21 ( – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.Friday), 2014 at 2:00 p.m.
Daytime presentation at Tesson Ferry library
Presentation: “250 Years of St. Louis History” by Jody Sowell, Missouri History Museum Public Historian.
St. Louis turns 250 years old in 2014. In honor of this milestone, the Missouri History Museum is planning an exhibit that will tell the city’s history through 50 people, 50 places, 50 moments, 50 images, and 50 objects. Learn more about the history of your favorite city and about the process of producing a museum exhibit as Jody Sowell, Missouri History Museum Public Historian, takes you behind the scenes of the making of 250 in 250.
See more at: 250 Years of St. Louis History.
Get directions to Tesson Ferry library.
March 3 (Monday), 2014 at 10:00 am – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
SCHS Family Roots tour
Please note that this event was held on a snowy day and will be scheduled again for a second go around in the spring for those who could not come out in the snow.
SCHS Family Roots tour of the St. Louis County Library Special Collections Department at the library headquarters on Lindbergh.
The tour will be an overview of the facilities and collections that are relevant to genealogy research and research relating to the history of St. Louis. For more information see the page Family Roots.
February 1st to March 31st, 2014 – the whole month of February and March – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Tesson Ferry display case – Mementos Left at Vietnam Traveling Wall
Note that the display has been extended from February only and now will show through March
St. Louis County Libraries – Tesson Ferry Branch
This collection of mementos left at the AVTT Vietnam Traveling Wall in June of 2013 wil be on display all month. The collection is on loan from the Sunset Hills Historical Society which created the organization Show-Me Hero Salute to bring the AVTT Vietnam Traveling Wall to St. Louis last year. Visitors to the wall who came to respect, honor and remember those who gave their lives fighting in the Vietnam War were moved in many ways. Both relatives of those who lost their lives in Vietnam and the general public left a wide range of items at the wall. Many of the smaller items will be on display at Tesson Ferry library. See a photo of previous displays on Archival Displays.
See more about the display case exhibits put on by SCHS.
See directions to Tesson Ferry library.
March 6 (Thursday), 2014 at 2:30 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
SCHS at Friendship Village
Presentation: “Ulysses and Julia: The White House Years” by Pam Sanfilippo
Did you know that the eight years the Grant family spent in the White House were the most they ever lived in one place? In this PowerPoint presentation, Pam Sanfilippo will share stories and pictures of Ulysses and Julia Grant’s White House years, from both a family perspective and their experiences as President and First Lady. Both Ulysses and Julia recognized and used their roles in the nation to reunite the country after civil war and political infighting and ensure civil rights for the newly freed African Americans. Through it all, they continued to call St. Louis home. This event is part of the theme, Women and Race.
See directions to Friendship Village Sunset Hills.

Pam Sanfilippo
Pam Sanfilippo, head historian at Ulysses S Grant National Historic Site Speaks Thursday, March 6, at Friendship Village Sunset Hills on “Ulysses and Julia: The White House Years”
Photo from Sunset Hills-Crestwood Patch
SCHS Events for Spring 2014
April 3 (Thursday), 2014 at 2:30 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
SCHS at Friendship Village
Presentaion: “Explorations of Lewis and Clark” by Marge Jardon.
Marge Jardon, retired Lindbergh educator and amateur Lewis and Clark historian, speaks on the Lewis and Clark Expedition into the Louisiana Purchase territory. Marge speaks with personal experience of the expedition as she and her husband, Ed, made the trek from Wood River, Illinois to the Pacific personally themselves. Marge shares Lewis and Clark realia and illustrations which she passes around for all participants to touch and see close up. See more at Lewis and Clark.
See directions to Friendship Village Sunset Hills.
April 23 (Wednesday), 2014 at 7:00 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
April general meeting (general meetings are four times a year, Jan, April, July and Oct)
St. John’s UCC church – Please note this is not the usual venue. See map to St. Johns UCC
Presentation: “Memorable Women of the South County Area” by Terry Rupp. The presentation features “Shotgun Lena” and a display of her shotgun and rocking chair she used to protect her property from the mean, old St. Louis County Highway Department. See photos of Shotgun Lena and Terry Rupp.
See map to St. Johns UCC. Notice that this is a venue change from the usual meeting place for SCHS general meetings. St. Johns Evangelical United Church of Christ is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of I-55 and Lindbergh Blvd. The address is 11333 St. John’s Church Road. Turn off Lindbergh at Denny’s Restaurant. Enter on the right side of the church and down the steps to the dining hall. If you need the elevator, go up the ramp and to the right.
Remember that we will be meeting at St Johns Evangelical UCC Church on April 23, 2014.
April 30 (Wednesday), 2014 at 10:00 am – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
April Meet-at-the-Site tour to see “250 in 250”
at Missouri History Museum to see the free exhibit, “250 in 250” which celebrates the 250th anniversary of the founding of St. Louis.
St. Louis turns 250 in 2014! How do you tell 250 years of St. Louis history in one exhibit? The Missouri History Museum does it through the stories of 50 People, 50 Places, 50 Moments, 50 Images, and 50 Objects. We can’t give you a complete picture of St. Louis’ 250 years of history, but through these 250 snapshots, we will give you an engaging look at the richness, diversity, and complexity of the place you call home.
Meet at the Missouri History Museum at 10:00 am at the statue of Thomas Jefferson or car pool from St Lucas UCC. The car pool meets at St. Lucas at 9:15 am on the east parking lot (far north end). There will be a sign-up sheet at the April 23 general membership meeting, or call Stephen Hanpeter at (314) 918- 1617.
See page about Meet-st-the-Site Tours.
May 8 (Thursday), 2014 – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
St Louis History bus tour
Loading at St Lucas UCC church at 7:30 am, departs at 8:00 am, returns at 3:00 pm
See the sites and meet the people that have made the great 250 year history of St. Louis. The tour will cover St. Louis history from Mississippian Mound Builders and French colonial times, the start of the Oregon Trail leading out from St. Louis to the rapid growth of St. Louis into a great regional city, through the difficult days of the Civil War, to the rise of the great industrial city in the late 19th and 20th centuries, a city of beer brewing, the manufacture of shoes, airplanes and spacecraft. Did you know that the Old Cathedral stands on the only piece of land in St. Louis that has never been bought or sold?
For price, meal information and how to make a reservation, see St Louis History Bus Tour.
May 26 (Monday), 2014 at 10:00 am – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Memorial Day ceremony
Sappington-Concord Memorial Park
The annual SCHS Memorial Day ceremony will be held at Sappington-Concord Memorial Park with reception to follow at St. Lucas UCC church. To learn more about the SCHS annual Memorial Day ceremony see Sappington-Concord Memorial Park. Also see Memorial Day Ceremony – 2014.
June 4 (Wednesday), 2014 at 10:30 am – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
SCHS Family Roots tour of the St. Louis County Library Special Collections Department at the library headquarters on Lindbergh Blvd.
The tour will be an overview of the facilities and collections that are relevant to genealogy research and also research relating to the history of St. Louis. Sign up for this tour at the April general meeting or call Stephen Hanpeter at 314-918-1617.
See more about SCHS Family Roots.
June 19 (Thursday), 2014 at 2:30 pm at Friendship Village – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
SCHS at Friendship Village “Virtual Video Tour of the Thomas Sappington House” created by and presented by Ray Hoffstetter
Ray made the video as a virtual tour of the house for people who can not visit because of disabilites. The video also includes the library and Barn restaurant. It is 19 minutes long with narration and music. Ray speaks before hand and answers questions after. See directions to Friendship Village Sunset Hills.
SCHS Events for Summer 2014
July 10 (Thursday), 2014 at 2:30 pm at Friendship Village – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
SCHS at Friendship Village “Missouri Veterans History Project” by Dan Oliver (Nancy Keyser subbing for Dan)
Learn what the Missouri Veterans Project is, and that it is part of the Library of Congress and that it is an effort to capture veterans stories regardless of era or conflict. The veteran interviewed receives a free DVD of the interview, one copy goes to the Library of Congress, and a third is sent to the Missouri Historical Division. A sign-up sheet will be passed out for those interested in taking part in the MVHP. See directions to Friendship Village Sunset Hills.
July 10 (Thursday), 2014 at 10:00 am – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
SCHS Family Roots tour to the St Louis Genealogical Society to learn about their resources; books, cemetery records,collections including the volumes by our own Ross Wagner. Drive on your own and meet at the St Louis Genealogical Society at 10:00 am. See for more information.
See more about SCHS Family Roots.
July 23 (Wednesday), 2014 at 7:00 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
General Membership meeting – “Lewis and Clark Night for Kids.” Bring your kids and grandkids to bridge the generations. Lewis and Clark expedition re-enactment by Mark Breckenridge.
Have you ever wondered what kind of men would have signed up with Lewis and Clark to go into the vast, unknown Louisiana Purchase? Meet two members of their expedition, one being George Drouillard, the 28-year-old son of a French Canadian father and Shawnee Indian mother, who because of his sign language skills often played a key role in establishing relations with the various Indian tribes that the Corps encountered. He helped establish friendly relations with the Mandan Indians, with whom the Corps survived an incredibly cold winter. Bring kids, grandkids, great grandkids for this evening of history for kids of all ages. Mark, son of SCHS member, Pat Breckenridge, is a professional re-enactor bringing living history to kids in local school districts.
See more about the event on page Lewis and Clark Night for Kids.
Arrive early, perhaps at 6:30 to see replica camp site set up outside the meeting room.
Venue change. The meeting will be in the old board rooms, PD south and north, in the administrative offices. That means you can park in the front parking lot where there should be more space. When you come into the campus through the main entrance, go to the left as usual and drive as far as the end of the building. The administrative offices are there. Watch for a sign for SCHS or a tent that Lewis and Clark have set up.
July 30 (Wednesday), 2014 – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Meet-at-the-Site Tour to Route 66 State Park Visitors Center
Meet at the Route 66 State Park Visitors Center, a museum of Route 66 memorabilia in 1930’s era road house, at 10:00 am, or for car pool from St Lucas UCC meeting at 9:15 am, leaving at 9:30 am. Car pool will meet on the east parking lot at St Lucas at the far end (north) of the lot. Admission to the Visitors Center is free. Please sign up for the tour at the July 23 SCHS general meeting or call Stephen Hanpeter – 314-918-1617.
See Google map.
Driving directions: Go west on Highway 44. Get off at exit 266, called Lewis Road. Follow the signs for the Route 66 State Park. The signs take you to the end of the road where the visitor’s center is. Meet in the lobby at 10:00 am.
Park address: 97 North Outer Road, Suite 1, Eureka, MO 63025-1628
Park office phone: (636) 938-7198
See more info and photos on Route 66 State Park tour page.
See page about Meet-st-the-Site Tours.
– Note, this event is over, held in 2014.August 7, (Thursday), 2014 at 2:30 pm
SCHS at Friendship Village Sunset Hills – “The 1858 Steamboat Disaster in St. Louis” by Jan Wenk
What would two teenagers and their cars have in common with two steamboat captains on the Mississippi River in the 1850’s have in common? The captains endangered more than themselves and their reputations. Jan Wenk, genealogist and amateur historian will tell us all when it comes to the story of the Ocean Spray Steamboat disaster in St. Louis in 1858. Her great-great-grandfather, William J. Spargo, was one of the boat’s assistant engineers.
Parking note: Be aware that parking is extremely limited due to construction. Be prepared to park in the staff parking area down the road and walk to the main building, about a 10 minute walk.
See directions to Friendship Village Sunset Hills.
August 21, (Thursday), 2014
“Re-discover the Richness of Springfield” bus tour. – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
A summertime bus tour to see the fabulous Lincoln Museum and other Lincoln sites including the First Presbyterian church where the Lincoln’s worshiped, and a rare tour of the Governor’s mansion. There will be a choice for each passenger to see the stately Dana Thomas house by Frank Lloyd Wright, (each person pays $10 entrance fee at door) or to go to the Old State Capital and Lincoln’s tomb. Lunch at the elegant and historic four star Maldaner’s Restaurant, choice of two entrees; chicken breast with mushroom sauce or roast sirloin, salad, two hot vegetables, homemade mashed potatoes, mixed green salad and dessert. Arrive at St Lucas UCC church at 7:30 am to board for 8:00 am departure, return at approximately 5:00 pm. Cost to SCHS members, $55 and $65 to non-members. Contact Pat Breckenridge to make reservations, 314-842-1088. See more information on the page Summer 2014 Bus Tour.
Get directions to St Lucas UCC church.
SCHS Events for Fall 2014
September 10, (Wednesday), 2014 at 7:00 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
“Treasures Share and Tell,” at Lindbergh High School in Anne Morrow Lindbergh Room – Bring a treasured old item to share with other SCHS members at this informal event. No program, just display your item, look at other members’ items on display, discuss and question. For larger items or buildings, bring a photo.
See directions to Lindbergh High School in Anne Morrow Lindbergh Room.
– Note, this event is over, held in 2014.September 11, (Thursday), 2014 at 2:30 pm
SCHS at Friendship Village Sunset Hills
“King Trolley and the Suburban Queen” by James Baker
The talk follows the development of streetcar service from the first attempts to build streetcar lines to Kirkwood and Webster Groves, the self proclaimed “Suburban Queens,” through the years of the Kirkwood-Ferguson 01, the Manchester 53, 54, 55, and 56, and the Brentwood 57 streetcar service. The talk tells of strikes, collisions, litigation, bankruptcy, closings, the joys and frustrations of residents along the lines and more.
Parking note: Be aware that parking is extremely limited due to construction. Be prepared to park in the staff parking area down the road and walk to the main building, about a 10 minute walk.
See directions to Friendship Village Sunset Hills.
October 2 – (Thursday), 2014 at 2:30 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
SCHS at Friendship Village Sunset Hills
“Her Story” by Terry Rupp and Karen Hurych. This is a repeat of the presentation that Terry and Karen gave on April 23 called “Memorable Women of the South County Area.” The presentation features “Shotgun Lena” and a display of her shotgun and rocking chair which she used to protect her property from the mean, old St. Louis County Highway Department. See photos of Shotgun Lena and Terry Rupp.
Parking note: Be aware that parking is extremely limited due to construction. Be prepared to park in the staff parking area down the road and walk to the main building, about a 10 minute walk.
See directions to Friendship Village Sunset Hills.
October 22, (Wednesday), 2014 at 7:00 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
General Membership meeting at Lindbergh High School in Anne Morrow Lindbergh Room
Lester Lurk, a Ste. Genevieve businessman, much resembles Will Rogers. Lester will tell us about the life and times of Will Rogers, the humorist, vaudevillian and movie star. Lester has a mission to keep the memory of Will Rogers alive and vibrant for all, including the younger generations. Hearing Lester speak, you will not know he is not Will Rogers himself.
At Lindbergh High School in Anne Morrow Lindbergh Room The doors open at 6:30, event starts at 7:00 pm. Feel free to arrive early to get a good seat, socialize, and see what various offerings there are that night.
See directions to Lindbergh High School in Anne Morrow Lindbergh Room.
October 29, (Wednesday), 2014 – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Meet-at-the-Site Tour to Mercantile Library at UMSL
Meet at the Mercantile at 10:00 am, or for car pool from St Lucas UCC, meeting at 9:00 am leaving at 9:15 am. Car pool will meet on the east parking lot at St Lucas at the far end (north) of the lot. Get directions to St Lucas UCC church.
See special exhibit, “Mapping St. Louis history: An Exhibition of Historic Maps, Rare Books and Images Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Found of St. Louis.” Join us as we continue honoring the city’s 250th anniversary with the special exhibition Mapping St. Louis History. Visitors will be able to watch the city develop and expand through maps that are not only important documentary objects but things of beauty as well. Each map will be complemented by a contemporaneous print, painting or photograph and rare printed histories that complete the telling of St. Louis’ story.
Get directions to St Lucas UCC church.
Go to the Mercantile Library by MetroLink.
Go to the Mercantile Library by car: a parking pass is required. You can not park on the campus without a parking pass. Get a copy of the pass for our tour at the SCHS general meeting on Oct 22, or at the car pool meeting point at St. Lucas church on Oct 29 at 9:00 am.
Destination: The University of Missouri at St. Louis (UMSL) in the Mercantile Library and Thomas Jefferson Library building. We will meet on Level 2 of the Mercantile Library; when you enter the Thomas Jefferson Library building you may take the stairs or elevators down one level.
See University of Missouri at St Louis UMSL North Campus Map as pdf.
Driving directions: Find your way to highway 170 northbound. Exit Highway I-170 at the Natural Bridge Exit (#6) and turn right (east). Continue on Natural Bridge Road through the Hanley Road intersection and to West Drive. You will turn left on West Drive and the West Drive garage is down the street on your right (#52 on the map). The Mercantile Library is #12 on the map and Thomas Jefferson Library is #14. Park in the West Drive garage (#52 on the map). Walk out of the garage at the third floor (quadrangle level) exit near the elevator and the Library (bldg. 14) is the building to the right of the pyramid-shaped skylight (no. 12).The tour will begin on Level 2 of the Mercantile Library; when you enter the Thomas Jefferson Library building you may take the stairs or elevators down one level.
Library office phone: Library assistant, Amanda Schneider, 314-516-7248
See page about Meet-st-the-Site Tours.
See photos to help find your way to the library.
November 1-30, 2014 all month, display case exhibit at Tesson Ferry library – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
The subject of the exhibit is Veterans Day and World War I.
See directions to Tesson Ferry library.
See more about the display case exhibits put on by SCHS.
November 6 – (Thursday), 2014 at 2:30 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
SCHS at Friendship Village Sunset Hills
Bill Iseminger – “The Mysterious Wonders of Cahokia Mounds.”
One of the greatest cities of the world, Cahokia was larger than London was in AD 1250. Who built this “pre-historic” metropolis and what happened to it?
Parking note: Be aware that parking is extremely limited due to construction. Be prepared to park in the staff parking area down the road and walk to the main building, about a 10 minute walk.
See directions to Friendship Village Sunset Hills.
November 7, (Friday), 2014 2:00 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Fall Daytime Presentation at Tesson Ferry Library
“St. Louis Moment by Moment” – Katie Moon, Exhibition and Research Assistant from the Missouri History Museum, will talk about moments in St. Louis history. In this year of the 250th anniversary of the founding of St Louis, the Missouri History Museum has its “250 in 250” exhibit which features 50 moments. Discover some of the other moments in St. Louis’ history from the people who experienced it first hand. Letters, diaries, oral recordings, and more provide revealing details from the past. Find out what it felt like to cross the Mississippi River in 1818, or be a part of the Great St. Louis Bank Robbery in 1953.
See directions to Tesson Ferry library.
November 9, (Sunday), 2014 at 1:00 pm – Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Veteran’s Day wreathe laying ceremony
At Sappington-Concord Memorial Park in front of the former Johnny’s Market
See directions to Sappington-Concord Memorial Park
SCHS Events for Winter 2014
December 1-31, 2014 all month Note, this event is over, held in 2014.
Display case exhibit at Oak Bend library – Please note that this event is over.
Old toys owned by SCHS members will be on display, along with Christmas decorations featuring snowmen, playful bears and Santa Clauses. The history theme is a remembrance of the WWI Christmas Truce which occurred 100 years ago in December of 1914 on the Western Front.
See more about the 100th anniversary of the World War One Christmas Truce, 1914-2014 at: WWI Christmas Truce and take the Christmas Truce quiz.
See photos of the display case at: Christmas 2014 Display Case – Oak Bend Library
See more about the display case exhibits put on by SCHS.
December 31 and January 1, 2015, when you are feeling in a holiday mood, thinking about the past year and the new year to come, take a few moments to go to your desk and write that check to SCHS for $10, single membership, or $15, couple membership, for your 2015 dues. Send it to:
Sue Steinnerd
Sappington-Concord Historical Society
4474 Gemini Dr
St. Louis, Mo 63128
Or bring your check to the January 28 general meeting. Thanks, your support is important to you and to the Society. Happy New Year from Sappington-Concord Historical Society!
See the Joining page for more info if you need it.
Sappington-Concord Historical Society…
…join us and we’ll make history together!
Go to Joining page.