Lemp Estate presentation Oct 27, 2014


Presentation on the Lemp Estate

Sunset Hills Historical Society Hosts Local Historian Davidson Mullgardt on Monday, October 27, 2014.

The public is invited to the Sunset Hills Historical Society’s presentation on Monday, October 27 at 7 PM at the Sunset Hills City Hall. The guest speaker will be local historian Davidson Mullgardt, who will be speaking about the Sunset Hills estate of the Lemp family, the original brewers of Falstaff beer.

Mullgardt first became interested in the Lemp family as a kid, because of the local lore of ghosts, particularly in the Kirkwood and Sunset Hills.

“Because many of the records were destroyed, there have been recent discoveries of more photographs regarding the Lemp saga,” said Mullgardt, local historian, former high school English teacher and former tour guide.

He will be demonstrating some of those discoveries, discussing the Lemp family, their beer-brewing business as well as the architecture of the home that is in Sunset Hills. The Lemp Estate is currently a private residence and inaccessible to the public.

“St. Louis has once-again become a capital for beer brewing,” added Mullgardt. “It is important to know that history.”

To answer the St. Louis question, Mullgardt, went to Clayton High School and taught English at Soldan High School.

The Sunset Hills Historical Society meetings typically take place on the fourth Monday of the month in the Sunset Hills City Hall, at 3939 South Lindbergh Blvd., in Sunset Hills.

See more about the estate on Wikipedia.