The Lindbergh High School marching band, “Spirit of St Louis Marching Band,” has made it a custom to play for the SCHS annual Memorial Day ceremony. The band is led by director, David Wyss, and Bob Spiegelman before him. Of the Memorial Day ceremony, David Wyss says that the band, “is proud to be a part of this important event.” He continues by saying that, “Each year, 70-80 high school band members take some out of their holiday to say “thanks” to all of the veterans and current members of the Armed Forces.”
Perhaps for students to participate in the ceremony is part of their education also, being from a school where veterans are invited into the school to meet with students each year to share their experience in the US Armed Forces through the History Alive program led by history teacher Brad Durnell. See more at: Lindbergh High invites veterans to participate in History Alive 2015
See below, at bottom of page, an extended reflection by band member, BayLee, on the SCHS Memorial Day ceremony and the experience of participating in it as a band member.
The band’s musical contributions to the ceremony include a patriotic medley, the “Musical Salute to Armed Forces” where each veteran stands for his or her service, and postlude of “America the Beautiful.” The participation of the band in the SCHS Memorial Day ceremony is one of the most commented on and appreciated parts of the program. Attendees at the ceremony just glow when mentioning the contributions of the band. Comments range from loving the music, loving those dancing “tubas,” it’s great having the students involved, to the band adds so much excitement to the program.
This year, as last, the sousaphones wowed the crowd with their dancing out amongst the ceremony attendees. That is the kind of creativity and dedication that comes from the award-winning Spirit of St Louis Marching Band!
In addition to honoring the men and women who gave their all for our country, we might think of the band as “giving back” to the community that built and supports the great Lindbergh Schools!
The Spirit of St Louis Marching Band is supported by its parent and community organization, The Bandstanders.
Below, the band “gets going!”
The percussion section “brings on the power.”
From start to finish, LHS band director David Wyss, leads his well trained and studied students through their musical Memorial Day salute with style.
The LHS marching band unfurled a huge American flag after the 2014 SCHS Memorial Day ceremony. It was a great display of patriotic feeling and a logistical task competently met by a band trained in teamwork. The huge flag never touches the ground!
For the 2015 Memorial Day ceremony, the band unfurled the flag on the slope at the north end of the east parking lot.

The Spirit of St Louis Marching Band unfurling their huge American flag after the SCHS Memorial Day ceremony.
Photo by Ray Steinnerd
Below are extended reflections by band member, BayLee, on the SCHS Memorial Day ceremony and participating in it as a band member.
Reflections on SCHS Memorial Day Program by BayLee _________
June 9th 2015
I play the clarinet at Lindbergh High School. Since I’m finishing my freshman year, this was my first year with the marching band. I participated in the band at the Memorial Day program, and just like me, all the other kids were there voluntarily. I’ve wanted to play at the program ever since I saw my older brother, Dustin, play in it a few years ago. My grandpa, Charley _________, was in WWII and Korea and I know this ceremony means a lot to him and it means a lot to me, too. Naturally, I was eager to join the band in order to show my appreciation to the men and women that died while serving our county. Two songs that we played at the program were “Musical Salute to Armed Forces” and “America the Beautiful.” We don’t normally get to play these songs, so it’s a special honor for us to play for this special group of people. The song “Musical Salute to Armed Forces” gives honor and respect to each and every military branch. Knowing that song well enough, I was able to look up from my music to watch my grandpa stand up for his branch, he was in the Marine Corps. I also was able to see him and other veterans laying the wreath at the WWII Honor Roll monument. I can’t describe the pride that I am filled with every year that I get to see him carry the wreath, from in the audience to standing in the band. I know he feels honored, proud and looks forward to doing it every time, especially with his family there to watch. He’s told us many stories about his experiences in the wars that he was in, and I know he loves that he was able to serve his country. This year and last, the band unfolded a huge American flag for a picture and everyone held it proudly, never letting it touch the ground. I loved holding the flag and I’ve always loved everything about the program. I think it’s amazing to have such a meaningful tribute to every soldier that has died in the wars. I really appreciate that the church allows the band to play there and host the reception afterwards. I also think it’s more meaningful to have so many kids that want to give up their time to practice and play for the veterans, rather than just having recorded music for such an important program.
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