November 20, Sunday at 2:00 pm
Reports on the archaeological dig at Sappington House by the students; their experiences and their findings.
At long last, the student diggers speak. They reveal all; findings, experiences, insights, and research too.
Muffled since the June dig at Sappington house, the student diggers finally come forward in a tell-all moment. The Lindbergh and Ladue students have been in shroud of silence, contemplation, and research over the summer and into the fall. What have they been up to, really, in the last five months? Truth be told, they’ve probably been immersed in the life of a typical high school student.
But that won’t keep them from sharing some of what they experienced in their somewhat unusual experience of carrying out a full archaeological dig at the Sappington house in June. Nor can it keep them from revealing what they found. The Ladue students had the additional opportunity to put in more effort back in the classroom this fall. They added to their summer experience with further research into the Sappington house and Sappington family as it relates to the findings of the dig.
Come see and hear what the students have to tell on Sunday at White Haven.
Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site auditorium at 7400 Grant Road, St. Louis, MO 63123. See map.
Seating limited to 70 people. Free and open to the public, but please RSVP. Reserve your seats by emailing Stephen Hanpeter at or call 314-918-1617.
The photos below show the US Grant National Historic Site.
They dug, now they talk!
For two weeks in June, these young people morphed from high school student to archaeologist. Hear about what they found. Celebrate their efforts. Learn from their insights.
Give the students your attention!
Just one hour, 2:00-3:00. If you want to see more, the doors open at 1:30 to browse the exhibit room where the artifacts will be displayed.
2:00- 3:00 Each speaker allotted five minutes
Introduction by SCHS president, Stephen Hanpeter
Remarks by AIA president, Linda Bickel and husband, Mike Bickel
Lindbergh High School students
1. Alexis Klosterman
2. Jessica Umuisa
3. Evan Moss
4. Osama Ibraheem
Ladue High School students
1. The Story of Sappington House, and the History of Archaeology there (Grace Wallace)
2. The Purpose of Location (for building the Sappington House… water source and so on)… (Mona Kalafie)
3. Bricks and the Slave House (Noah Goldman)
4. Pig’s Teeth and Pig Bones, Possibly some Commentary on the Tin lid Found (Hannah Marvin, the photographer)
5. Glass Findings (Laura Ewald)
6. Ceramics (A.J. Oruwari)
Wrap up and invitation to the reception – Stephen Hanpeter
Reception in the exhibit room with refreshments. Meet the students and teachers. See the artifacts unearthed by the students. See student bio sketches and other displays. Visit the US Grant museum and take a guided tour of the Dent-Grant house.
Photos below of the student presentations on November 20. Photos by John Frey and Charlene Way

Students presented about their findings and experiences doing the archaeological dig at Sappington House in June.

Lindbergh students and teacher, Ashley Lock

Ladue students and teacher, Eric Hahn
See quotes from the students’ presentations.
See the main information page on the dig at Sappington House