View of Tower Grove House showing the original east wing. https://www.mobot.org/mobot/archives/fulltext_images.asp
April 27, 2016, Wednesday, 7:00 pm
SCHS General Meeting with presentation at Sperreng Middle School, 12111 Tesson Ferry Rd. 63128. The meeting will be in the spacious cafeteria, easily accessible from the parking lot and there is plenty of handicap parking nearby.
“The History of the Missouri Botanical Garden” by Jack Lane of the Missouri Botanical Garden Master Gardeners Speakers Bureau. Enjoy a history lesson on the growth and development of MBG. From Henry Shaw to Dr. Peter Raven, the program details the parallel growth of St. Louis city and the Botanical Garden. It starts with young Henry Shaw and includes many archival photos and maps.

Speaker. Jack Lane of Missouri Botanical Garden Master Gardener’s Speakers Bureau
Jack Lane, retired after 35 years with Dun and Bradstreet in 1999.
Completed MG training in 2001. Volunteer areas include Kemper Center Gardens, Reception Desk, Speakers Bureau, Saint Louis County Extension Board, Saint Louis County Parks, and Saint Louis University Alumni Board and Executive Advisory Board.
See directions to Sperreng Middle School.
Rhyme continued from the home page…
…about Henry Shaw’s garden, officially Missouri Botanical Garden, and often called Shaw’s Garden.
Henry, Henry with dollars so many,
How does your garden grow?
For years and years,
With very few peers,
From Grand Avenue they do say,
The whole distance to Kingshighway,
From ever so lush and green meadows,
To lab-coated research fellows,
From world class botanical research,
To cancer drugs they do search,
So does his garden grow,
As most surely Jack Lane will show,
At Sperreng Middle School Wednesday night
For a parking space no need to fight!
A Henry Shaw version of the nursery rhyme, “Mary Mary Quite Contrary.”
Photos below are from the
Illustrated History of the Missouri Botanical Garden
See more on Missouri Botanical Garden web site

Popular Science Monthly/Volume 62/January 1903/The Missouri Botanical Garden from: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Popular_Science_Monthly/Volume_62/January_1903/The_Missouri_Botanical_Garden

Photo from: http://mohistory.org/node/2146