Visit Charlie and his pigeons on Saturday, August 18 at 10:00 am. Photo credits at bottom of page
Remember the doves of peace at the annual SCHS Memorial Day ceremony? They were homing pigeons, released by Charlie Klipsch and the Mount Pleasant Pigeon Club.
Visit Charlie and his pigeons on Saturday, August 18 at 10:00 am. Meet at Saint Catherine Laboure Catholic Church, 9740 Sappington Road, Saint Louis, MO 63128. We will meet in the parking lot along Sappington Road at 10:00 am.
Charlie will tell us about homing and racing pigeons and give a tour of their coop.
RSVP please to schs.webmanager@gmail.com
Photo below, the doves of peace fly on Memorial Day,
thanks to Charlie Klipsch and the Mount Pleasant Pigeon Club. Charlie and his club work with the American Racing Pigeon Union. Charlie spoke at the Memorial Day ceremony about the benefits of pigeon raising and racing for veterans.
Learn more about veterans and raising pigeons
Chattanooga Racing Pigeon Club “A member of the Chattanooga Racing Pigeon Club who is also a Marine Corp veteran, Don Snow, has a dream of reaching out to veterans and introducing them to the potential healing power of the pigeon.”
Times Free Press “The sport of pigeon racing attracts a large number of veterans. The Chattanooga Racing Pigeon Club, for instance, has 24 members, and roughly one-third are veterans.”

Doves of peace circle over crowd at annual SCHS Memorial Day ceremony. Photo by Bill Brinkhorst
Photos below by John Frey. Charlie Klipsch and the Mount Pleasant Pigeon club generously released their pigeons as doves of peace fro the Annual SCHS Memorial Day ceremony
Photos of pigeons from around the web.
A typical homing/racing pigeon coop, much like Charlie’s.

Speech bubbles added to photo from: https://www.asianscientist.com/2012/04/in-the-lab/homing-pigeons-magnetic-fields-macrophages-2012/

Speech bubbles added to photo from: http://www.livingthecountrylife.com/animals/chickens-poultry/how-raise-homing-pigeons/

Speech bubbles added to photo from: http://www.livingthecountrylife.com/animals/chickens-poultry/how-raise-homing-pigeons/